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BBM Subsidi Diselundupkan, Hatta : Siapapun Oknumnya Tindak Tegas

Written By Unknown on Saturday, September 15, 2012 | 7:00 AM

Kediri - Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas (BPH Migas) melaporkan sejumlah penyelundupan BBM subsidi, mulai dari truk BBM yang tak sampai SPBU hingga yang melibatkan oknum aparat. Ini semua harus ditindak tegas.

Demikian disampaikan oleh Menko Perekonomian Hatta Rajasa di sela kunjungan ke pabrik rokok milik Gudang Garam di Kediri, Jawa Timur, Sabtu (15/9/2012).

"Itu (penyelundupan BBM) jangan diomongin, tetapi ditindak. Begitu ada laporkan tindak," tegas Hatta.

Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BPH Migas) sebelumnya menyatakan soal dugaan penyelundupan BBM subsidi sebanyak 1.700 kiloliter (KL) atau kira-kira setara 170 truk tangki BBM di Kalimantan Selatan yang tidak sampai ke SPBU.

Bahkan ada juga BBM subsidi khususnya solar yang diselundupkan ke industri dan Pertambangan dan dibekingi oknum Jenderal TNI bintang 1 dan 3 Kolonel. Menurut Hatta masalah ini harus ditangani secara serius. Karena berarti BBM subsidi banyak yang tidak tepat ke sasaran yaitu golongan tidak mampu.

"Percuma nanti jika kuota (BBM subsidi) ditambah, kalau banyak penyelundupan. Siapapun yang terlibat tindak tegas," tuturnya.

Hatta mengimbau BPH Migas untuk terus melakukan pengawasan terkait penyelundupan BBM bersubsidi. Ini dilakukan sebagai langkah antisipasi penyelundupan BBM yang marak.

"Umumnya terjadi penyelundupan di daerah daerah yang banyak tambang-tambang, kapal-kapal, dan sebagainya. BPH migas sudah tahu hal itu," tegasnya.

Saat ini kuota BBM subsidi makin menipis karena konsumsinya yang melonjak. Tapi ternyata tercium juga tindak penyelundupan BBM subsidi yang digunakan oleh industri.

Di Jakarta, jatah BBM subsidi jenis premium sudah habis hari ini, namun pemerintah memakai jatah minyak tanah untuk dikonversi ke premium. Pemerintah juga tengah meminta persetujuan DPR untuk menambah kuota BBM subsidi 4 juta kiloliter (KL) dari kuota tahun ini 40 juta KL. Namun ternyata banyak BBM subsidi yang disalahgunakan dan diselewengkan.


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Demi Premium, Mobil Dinas PNS Copot Stiker dan Ganti Plat Nomor

Jakarta - Mahalnya harga bensin non subsidi yaitu pertamax yang mendekati Rp 10 ribu per liter membuat masyarakat semakin memburu bensin premium yang harganya Rp 4.500 per liter. Mobil dinas PNS pun juga banyak menggunakan premium meski dilarang.

Ketua Umum Himpunan Wiraswasta Nasional Minyak dan Gas (Hiswana Migas) Eri Purnomo Hadi menyatakan, ada mobil dinas PNS yang mengganti plat merahnya dengan plat hitam dan melepas stiker 'anti BBM subsidi' agar bisa menggunakan bensin premium. Ini sering terjadi di daerah.

"Salah satu caranya melepas stiker, itu ada. Ada juga yang mengganti plat merahnya jadi plat hitam," kata Eri dalam acara diskusi BBM di rumah makan kawasan Cikini, Jakarta Pusat, Sabtu (15/9/2012).

Eri menjelaskan, kondisi ini terjadi karena pemerintah daerah tidak memiliki anggaran yang cukup untuk membiayai kendaraan dinasnya memakai pertamax yang harganya makin mahal.

Dikatakan Eri, dalam anggaran tahun ini, para pemerintah daerah memang menganggarkan biaya mobil dinas dengan menggunakan BBM subsidi. Jadi ketika aturan larangan penggunaan BBM subsidi dikeluarkan untuk kendaraan dinas, para Pemda tidak bisa mengeluarkan anggaran tambahan.

Di tempat yang sama, Direktur BBM Bahan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BPH Migas) Djoko Siswanto menegaskan, kalau mobil dinas yang masih tetap menggunakan premium akan dikenakan sanksi dari instansi atau lembaga tempat oknum PNS yang melakukan kecurangan tersebut.

"Sanksingya di dalam peraturan yang berlaku, di PNS ada sanksinya. Ada teguran lisan dan tertulis, kan ada tahap-tahapnya. Kita diserahkan ke intansi masing-masing," tegas Djoko.


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Anggaran Perjalanan Dinas Rp 21 Triliun, Pemerintah Janji Berhemat

Kediri - Meski berniat menghemat dan memangkas anggaran dinas yang tak perlu, namun tahun depan anggaran perjalanan dinas untuk PNS dan lembaga negara lain malah naik jadi Rp 21 triliun, dari Rp 18 triliun tahun ini.

Pemerintah, dikatakan Menko Perekonomian Hatta Rajasa, berjanji untuk melakukan penghematan dan memilah-milah anggaran dinas yang tidak perlu.

"Memang kita ingin melakukan penghematan. Oleh sebab itu nanti akan ada pemilahan untuk melakukan penghematan. Kalau kita lihat memang anggaran itu (Rp 21 triliun), bukan anggaran pemerintah saja, tetapi seluruh anggaran negara lembaga dan sebagainya," tutur Hatta di sela kunjungannya ke pabrik rokok milik Gudang Garam di Kediri, Jawa Timur, Sabtu (15/9/2012).

Hatta menambahkan, akan ada langkah penghematan yang dilakukan masing-masing kementerian dan lembaga terkait dengan perjalanan dinas tersebut.

Sebelumnya, Menteri Keuangan Agus Martowardojo mengakui, anggaran perjalanan dinas tahun depan mencapai Rp 21 triliun. Anggaran itu tak hanya untuk pemerintah pusat, melainkan lembaga-lembaga lain, termasuk DPR.

Mengenai rencana pengurangan anggaran, Agus Marto menyatakan perlu pembahasan terlebih dahulu dengan kementerian atau lembaga negara terkait.

"Rembuk dulu dengan kementerian/lembaga untuk membahas itu. Tapi kalau misalnya meyakinkan bahwa anggaran non operasional yang tidak utama untuk melakukan penghematan, itu selama tiga tahun terakhir ini sudah terus-terusan kita lakukan," kata Agus.

Pemerintah menganggarkan Rp 20,9 triliun untuk biaya perjalanan dinas PNS di 2011. Jumlah ini meningkat Rp 1,3 triliun (6,7%) dibandingkan 2010 yang sebesar Rp 19,6 triliun. Di 2013, pemerintah mengalokasikan biaya perjalanan dinas Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) Rp 21 triliun. Angka tersebut menunjukkan peningkatan Rp 3 triliun dibandingkan 2012 yang sebesar Rp 18 triliun.


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Harga Emas Batangan Naik Rp 12.000, Ini Penjelasan Antam

Jakarta - Harga emas batangan Logam Mulia milik Aneka Tambang (Antam) pecahan 1 gram naik Rp 12 ribu per gram, dari Rp 575.200 per gram menjadi Rp 587.200 per gram kemarin. Kenapa?

Sekretaris Perusahaan Antam Tedy Badrujaman mengatakan, kenaikan harga emas ini mengikuti harga emas internasional yang meningkat.

"Berdasarkan informasi dari analis pasar emas, kenaikan harga emas dunia baru-baru ini lebih banyak didorong oleh adanya kebijakan dari Federal Reserve (The Fed) yang menyatakan akan terus meningkatkan pembelian instrumen mortgage debt baru secara signifikan. Kebijakan The Fed tersebut mendorong pasar emas dunia lebih bergairah dan optimistis sehingga meningkatkan harga emas internasional," tutur Tedy dalam keterangan yang dikutip detikFinance, Sabtu (15/9/2012).

Dikatakan Tedy, emas bakal terus menjadi investasi yang aman (safe haven) seiring berlanjutnya ketidakpastian perekonomian dunia.

"Selama ini kecenderungannya harga emas terus naik dari waktu ke waktu. Untuk itu, Antam selalu melakukan pengembangan di segmen emas, melalui peningkatan cadangan emas melalui eksplorasi di tambang yang telah beroperasi maupun di lokasi baru, hingga kerjasama dengan pihak lain untuk lebih meningkatkan penjualan," papar Tedy dalam keterangannya.

Meskipun harga emas batangan meningkat tinggi, Tedy mengatakan, pembelian emas batangan Antam di kantor pemasaran emas Logam Mulia di Pulogadung masih tetap ramai dan berjalan normal.

Seperti diketahui, harga emas internasional belum berhenti naik. Pada perdagangan kemarin, Jumat (14/9/2012), harga emas masih naik ke level tertinggi dalam enam bulan. Terdorong oleh rencana stimulus besar-besaran dari The Fed.

Kemarin, harga spot emas naik 0,2% ke level US$ 1.770,2 per ounce, setelah sempat menyentuh level tertingginya US$ 1.777,51 per ounce.

Sementara harga emas berjangka untuk pengiriman Desember naik 60 sen ke level US$ 1.772,7 per ounce. Sentimen pada perdagangan emas sangat positif dalam dua hari berturut-turut.


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iPhone 5 Jadi 'Hadiah' Untuk Ekonomi AS yang Lesu

Jakarta - Produk iPhone 5 keluaran Apple merupakan produk terbesar yang pernah diluncurkan di sektor teknologi dan telekomunikasi. Gadget ini tak sekadar alat telekomunikasi, namun juga menjadi stimulus buat ekonomi AS di tengah pemilu yang akan digelar.

Apple memperkirakan bakal menjual 10 juta iPhone 5 di pasaran pada peluncuran perdananya 21 September nanti, dan bakal meningkat hingga 50 juta pada kuartal IV-2012. Ini merupakan dorongan tersendiri untuk ekonomi AS.

Analis JP Morgan Michael Feroli mengatakan, dirinya melihat iPhone 5 mendorong aktivitas perekonomian AS sebesar 0,25-0,5% apda kuartal IV-2012. Ini apabila iPhone 5 bisa terjual 8 juta unit di AS.

Feroli mengatakan, jika telepon pintar ini dijual US$ 600 per buah, termasuk biaya pengiriman, dan dikurangi ongkos impor US$ 200, maka penjualan 8 juta unit iPhone 5 saja, sudah menghasilkan US$ 3,2 miliar di kuartal IV. Dalam setahun bisa mencapai US$ 12,8 miliar. Hasil ni bisa menambah PDB AS sebesar 0,33 poin.

Kepala Ekonom AS di Decision Economics yaitu Cary Leahey mengatakan, kalkulasi Feroli tersebut masuk akal. "Ini memeprlihatkan kekuatan dari popularitas sebuah produk, yang membuat harganya dinilai sepadan," kata Leahey dikutip dari AFP, Sabtu (15/9/2012).

"Ekonomi AS sangat membutuhkan dorongan ini. Peluncuran iPhone 5 dilakukan pada saat yang tepat," ujar Ekonom lainya yaitu Joel Naroff dari Naroff Economic Advisors.

Saat ini menurut Naroff, nilai pendapatan rumah tangga di AS bergerak datar. Sehingga peluncuran iPhone 5 dinilai tepat waktu.

Para ekonom di AS memang percaya, peluncuran iPhone 5 ini juga akan mendorong konsumsi lebih tinggi karena minat pembelian yang besar.

Selain iPhone 5, Microsoft juga memproduksi komputer tablet, Google pun meluncurkan tablet dan smartphone. Dalam beberapa minggu ke depan, Apple direncanakan akan meluncurkan mini iPad untuk memperkuat posisinya di pasar tablet komputer.

Hal di atas tadi berpotensi untuk mendorong harga saham masing-masing perusahaan. Ini bakal mendorong konsumsi masyarakat yang pada akhirnya mendorong perekonomian. Saham Apple juga terus menembus rekor dan membantu mendorong indeks Nasdaq di Wall Street ke level tertingginya sejak tahun 2000.

Analis dari Morgan Stanley Katy Huberty juga mengatakan, Apple bakal menjual 48 juta hingga 53 juta iPhone dalam kuartal IV-2012 nanti, dan meningkat hingga 266 juta di 2013.


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Pasokan Premium di SPBU Aman, Harga Pertamax Tidak Naik

Jakarta - Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BPH Migas) memastikan keamanan pasokan BBM bersubsidi khususnya premium untuk 80 hari ke depan, meskipun di Jakarta jatahnya sudah habis hari ini. Pemerintah menggunakan jatah minyak tanah untuk dikonversi ke bensin premium.

Dari pengamatan detikFinance, di SPBU Pertamina kawasan Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan, tidak ada antrean panjang pembelian bensin premium di SPBU.

Seorang petugas di SPBU tersebut menjelaskan, pasokan bensin premium dari depo milik Pertamina masih berjalan lancar. Tak ada kelangkaan.

"Normal, pasokan aman," kata salah seorang petugas SPBU yang tak mau disebutkan namanya kepada detikFinance, Sabtu (15/9/2012).

Selain itu, hari ini juga tidak ada perubahan harga pertamax cs. Biasanya Pertamina melakukan perubahan harga bensin non subsidinya yaitu pertamax cs tiap tanggal 1 dan 15 setiap bulannya. Namun kali ini tidak ada kenaikan.

Harga BBM non subsidi di SPBU Pertamina tersebut masih sama. Harga pertamax dijual Rp 9.00 per liter, lebih murah karena SPBU ini merupakan SPBU bersaing yang lokasinya dekat dengan SPBU kompetitor. Harga pertamax plus 95 juga masih dijual Rp 10.200 per liter

"Tidak ada kenaikan untuk pertamax," imbuh petugas SPBU tersebut.

Sementara untuk SPBU milik Shell yang lokasinya berdekatan, dari pantauan di lapangan juga tidak terlihat adanya kenaikan harga BBM.

Untuk BBM Shell jenis super masih dijual Rp 9.800 per liter dan super extra dijual Rp 10.600 per liter.


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Petugas SPBU Akui Ada Mobil Mewah dan Plat Merah Tak Malu Minta Isi Premium

Jakarta - Harga bensin pertamax masih bercokol di kisaran Rp 9.700 per liter, sementara premium hanya Rp 4.500 per liter. Petugas SPBU mengakui adanya mobil mewah yang tak tahu malu ingin mengisi premium.

Seorang petugas SPBU di kawasan Mampang Prapatan mengakui, tingginya perbedaan antara premium dan pertamax ini membuat jajaran mobil mewah, dan bahkan mobil plat merah kendaraan dinas PNS ingin ikut antre isi premium meski dilarang.

"Ada yang ingin isi premium tapi kita arahkan ke pertamax," kata salah seorang petugas SPBU yang tak mau disebut namanya tersebut kepada detikFinance, Sabtu (15/9/2012).

Untung, petugas ini mengaku tidak takut untuk menegur mobil mewah dan mobil plat merah yang datang untuk mengisi premium.

"Berani menegur daripada kita ditegur, kan aturannya sudah ada," imbuhnya.

Sebelumnya Ketua Umum Himpunan Wiraswasta Nasional Minyak dan Gas (Hiswana Migas) Eri Purnomo Hadi menyatakan masih ada saja mobil dinas PNS yang menggunakan premium meskipun telah dilarang. Modus yang digunakan oleh kendaraan dinas PNS ini adalah mengganti plat merahnya dengan plat hitam atau melepas stiker 'anti BBM subsidi' agar bisa menggunakan bensin premium.

Direktur BBM Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas (BPH Migas) Djoko Siswanto juga mengatakan, masih ada pemilik mobil-mobil kelas atas seperti Alphard, Mercedez, hingga Ferrari yang menggunakan bensin premium yang disubsidi pemerintah.


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Belajar Bikin Kota Metropolitan, Pemerintah RI Belajar ke Rusia

Jakarta - Pemerintah Indonesia ingin belajar dari kota-kota di Rusia dalam menata tata ruang, wilayah, serta infrastruktur sehingga bisa membuat kota metropolitan yang andal.

Seperti dikutip dari situs Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum (PU), Sabtu (15/9/2012), Menteri PU Djoko Kirmanto mengunjungi Moskow, Rusia untuk mempelajari tata ruang wilayah kota-kota di Rusia.

Kota seperti Moskow, dikatakan telah mengalami proses transformasi sosial-ekonomi yang pesat dan positif, mengelola perubahan dengan baik dalam 25 tahun terakhir.

Rusia bisa menjadi mitra potensial untuk bidang penataan ruang kota dan wilayah, serta pembangunan infrastruktur seperti jalan dan jembatan, air bersih dan sanitasi, pemukiman, pengembangan ruang terbuka hijau, pengendalian banjir dan drainase, bahkan underground space technology.

Moskow dikatakan sebagai contoh penataan kota yang baik dan layak huni dengan didukung oleh infrastruktur perkotaan berstandar internasional, jauh dari kesan kota-kota sosialis yang lama melekat.

Dengan jumlah penduduk 12 juta jiwa yang berciri metropolitan, jaringan subway (kereta bawah tanah) di Moskow yang dibangun pertama kali pada 1933 merupakan salah satu yang terbaik di dunia, karena yang bersifat multifungsi. Bukan hanya untuk melayani kebutuhan 8-9 juta pengguna (commuter), namun juga sebagai expose gallery seni berkualitas dan sebagai sarana perlindungan sipil saat perang.

"Tanpa subway, Moskow lumpuh," ujar KUAI KBRI Moskow Nugroho Setiyadie dalam situs tersebut.

Diceritakan juga, dengan kedalaman hingga 300 meter di bawah permukaan tanah, subway di Moskow adalah contoh yang sempurna untuk pengembangan ruang dan infrastruktur dengan teknologi kota-kota Indonesia, seperti Jakarta.

Djoko Kirmanto berharap, ke depan Pemerintah Indonesia dapat mengundang dan berhubungan secara intensif dengan Pemerintah Federasi Rusia. Harapan untuk menindaklanjuti rintisan kerjasama telah disambut baik oleh Dubes RI untuk Federasi Rusia dan Republik Belarusia Djauhari Oratmangun.


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Belajar Bikin Kota Metropolitan, Pemerintah RI Belajar ke Rusia

Jakarta - Pemerintah Indonesia ingin belajar dari kota-kota di Rusia dalam menata tata ruang, wilayah, serta infrastruktur sehingga bisa membuat kota metropolitan yang andal.

Seperti dikutip dari situs Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum (PU), Sabtu (15/9/2012), Menteri PU Djoko Kirmanto mengunjungi Moskow, Rusia untuk mempelajari tata ruang wilayah kota-kota di Rusia.

Kota seperti Moskow, dikatakan telah mengalami proses transformasi sosial-ekonomi yang pesat dan positif, mengelola perubahan dengan baik dalam 25 tahun terakhir.

Rusia bisa menjadi mitra potensial untuk bidang penataan ruang kota dan wilayah, serta pembangunan infrastruktur seperti jalan dan jembatan, air bersih dan sanitasi, pemukiman, pengembangan ruang terbuka hijau, pengendalian banjir dan drainase, bahkan underground space technology.

Moskow dikatakan sebagai contoh penataan kota yang baik dan layak huni dengan didukung oleh infrastruktur perkotaan berstandar internasional, jauh dari kesan kota-kota sosialis yang lama melekat.

Dengan jumlah penduduk 12 juta jiwa yang berciri metropolitan, jaringan subway (kereta bawah tanah) di Moskow yang dibangun pertama kali pada 1933 merupakan salah satu yang terbaik di dunia, karena yang bersifat multifungsi. Bukan hanya untuk melayani kebutuhan 8-9 juta pengguna (commuter), namun juga sebagai expose gallery seni berkualitas dan sebagai sarana perlindungan sipil saat perang.

"Tanpa subway, Moskow lumpuh," ujar KUAI KBRI Moskow Nugroho Setiyadie dalam situs tersebut.

Diceritakan juga, dengan kedalaman hingga 300 meter di bawah permukaan tanah, subway di Moskow adalah contoh yang sempurna untuk pengembangan ruang dan infrastruktur dengan teknologi kota-kota Indonesia, seperti Jakarta.

Djoko Kirmanto berharap, ke depan Pemerintah Indonesia dapat mengundang dan berhubungan secara intensif dengan Pemerintah Federasi Rusia. Harapan untuk menindaklanjuti rintisan kerjasama telah disambut baik oleh Dubes RI untuk Federasi Rusia dan Republik Belarusia Djauhari Oratmangun.


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Istri Gita Wirjawan Ikut Jualan Kerajinan RI di Milan

Written By Unknown on Friday, September 14, 2012 | 7:00 AM

Jakarta - Pemerintah makin gencar menggaet para pelaku usaha produsen kerajinan dalam negeri untuk mempromosikan produknya hingga ke luar negeri.

Baru-baru ini, Kementerian Perdagangan bersama dengan Dewan Kerajinan Nasional (Dekranas) mengikuti pameran kerajinan terbesar MACEF di Milan, Italia. Sebanyak 20 perusahaan kerajinan lokal diboyong.

Ketua Dekranas Bidang Pameran dan Kerja Sama Luar Negeri Yasmin Wirjawan yang juga istri Menteri Perdagangan Gita Wirjawan, memimpin rombongan perusahaan lokal yang mengikuti pameran yang berlangsung 6-9 September 2012 lalu.

"Indonesia, dengan keanekaragaman budaya, keindahan alam serta kreativitas masyarakatnya, telah mampu menghasilkan produk kriya berkualitas tinggi dengan bahan baku dan proses yang alami sehingga menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas dan ramah lingkungan. Perempuan Indonesia khususnya di daerah-daerah juga berperan dominan dalam proses kreatif pembuatan produk kriya," kata Yasmin dalam siaran pers yang dikutip, Jumat (14/9/2012).

Dalam pameran tersebut, Indonesia membuka paviliun bernama 'Rumah Indonesia'. Harapan Indonesia mengikuti pameran MACEF kali ini untuk dapat mengangkat citra produk kerajinan Indonesia sekaligus meningkatkan ekspor Indonesia ke Eropa khususnya Italia.

Pameran ini diikuti oleh 1.570 peserta. Jumlah ini menurun dibandingkan penyelenggaraan Januari 2012 yaitu 1.877 perusahaan. Pengunjung pameran ini mengalami penurunan disebabkan oleh krisis ekonomi yang melanda Eropa dan berdampak terhadap penurunan daya beli masyarakat Eropa.

Produk yang dijual antara lain adalah kain songket, batik, dan juga bahan dasar logam, anyaman (rotan), tekstil, kaca, batu, kulit, dan serat alam/kayu yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia.

Selama pameran berlangsung tercatat telah terjadi transaksi trial order senilai 10.500 euro untuk produk handbag and clutch dari buyer Italia dan kontrak dagang US$ 300.000 untuk pengiriman green coffee bean ke Trieste, Italia yang dimulai pada Maret 2013. Selain itu tercatat juga transaksi on the spot lebih dari 2.000 euro untuk produk kain tenun, tas tangan & clutch, basket & box, laptop case & pen case.


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Kemenkeu Desak DPR Setujui Tambahan Kuota BBM Bersubsidi

Jakarta - Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu) meminta agar pemerintah dan DPR RI menyetujui penambahan kuota Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) terlebih dahulu guna menjaga stabilitas di kalangan masyarakat. Sementara masalah tambahan anggaran untuk membayar kelebihan kuota, hal tersebut dapat ditanggung pembayarannya pada tahun depan.

Demikian disampaikan Plt Kepala Badan Kebijakan Fiskal Kementerian Keuangan Bambang Brodjonegoro saat ditemui di kantornya, Jalan Wahidin Raya, Jakarta, Jumat (14/9/2012).

"Sekarang yang penting dapat kuotanya dulu. Nanti tinggal diputuskan apakah akan dibayar tahun ini atau tahun depan. Kalau carry over nanti terlalu banyak. Jadi harus diputuskan juga apakah harus dibayar tahun ini atau sebagian tahun depan," ujarnya.

Pembayaran kelebihan kuota ini, lanjut Bambang, bisa dilakukan setelah audit Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK).

"Kita kan selalu ada carry over karena harus ada yang diaudit dulu. Bukan karena yang belum dianggarkan dipindah ke tahun depan. Jadi yang penting dengan Banggar nanti kita sepakat dulu mengenai berapa besaran yang akan dibayar untuk anggaran 2012 ini," tandasnya.


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Incar 5 Miliar Barel Minyak, Chevron Kuras Sumur Tua di Riau

Jakarta - PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia akan melakukan injeksi kimia surfactant di Lapangan Minas, Riau pada Oktober 2012. Ini untuk menyedot cadangan minyak yang tersisa di lapangan tersebut sekitar 4-5 miliar barel.

"Akan dilakukan ujicoba injeksi surfactant di lapangan Minas pada Oktober 2012 untuk mengangkat minyak lebih banyak lagi," kata Kepala Divisi Humas Badan Pelaksana Kegiatan Hulu Minya dan Gas Bumi (BP Migas) Hadi Prasetyo ketika ditemui di Kantor BP Migas Pusat, Jalan Gatot Subroto, Jakarta, Jumat (14/9/2012).

Subfactant merupakan cairan kimia seperti sabun yang mengurangi kerekatan minyak pada bebatuan. Injeksi materi ini ke dalam sumur-sumur produksi diharapkan akan mampu mengangkat lebih banyak minyak dari lapangan Minas.

Menurut Hadi, uji injeksi tersebut bertujuan untuk mengincar sisa cadangan minyak Minas yang mencapai 4-5 miliar barel.

"Cadangan minyak di Minas mencapai 9 miliar barel dan sudah mengucur keluar sekitar 4,5 miliar barel," jelasnya.

Saat ini produksi minyak di Minas mencapai 178.000 barel per hari.

"Tetapi karena usianya yang sudah cukup tua, produksi minyak di lapangan Minas tidak bisa lagi mengandalkan cara-cara konvensional. Butuh teknologi enhanced oil recovery (EOR) untuk mengangkat lebih banyak minyak dari lapangan yang mulai berproduksi di 1962 ini," tandasnya.

Seperti diketahui, teknologi EOR yang sudah diterapkan dilapangan ini adalah water injection. Injeksi surfactant merupakan teknologi EOR lanjutan yang dikembangkan untuk dapat mempertahankan dan meningkatkan produksi dari lapangan ini.

Fasilitas injeksi surfactant di Minas sudah mulai dibangun semenjak empat tahun lalu. Semenjak awal desember, uji coba (commissioning) fasilitas ini dilakukan dan apabila proses ini berjalan sesuai rencana, uji coba injeksi surfactant ke dalam enam sumur akan dilakukan Oktober. Hasil ujicoba ini menjadi dasar untuk evaluasi penerapan teknologi ini pada skala yang lebih besar.

Proyek injeksi surfactant di Minas merupakan proyek injeksi surfactant terbesar di dunia saat ini. Selain injeksi surfactant, pada tahun ini, uji coba lapangan juga rencananya akan dilakukan pada proyek EOR Tanjung (PT Pertamina EP), dan Proyek EOR Kaji (PT Medco E&P Indonesia).

Proyek-proyek EOR ini adalah proyek jangka panjang yang membutuhkan waktu beberapa tahun untuk memberikan hasil yang signifikan pada peningkatan produksi minyak bumi.


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Akhirnya, Ada Tambahan Lahan Pertanian Baru 300.000 Hektar di Kalteng

Jakarta - Pemerintah berencana akan membuka lahan seluas 300.000 hektar di Kalimantan Tengah (Kalteng). Rencana ini merupakan hasil koordinasi antara Kementerian Pertanian dengan Kementerain Kehutanan.

"Kementerian Pertanian dan Kementerian Kehutanan sudah rencana buka lahan sekarang sedang identifikasi di Kalimantan Tengah,' ungkap Wakil Menteri Pertanian, Rusman Heriawan kepada detikFinance di Jakarta, Jumat (14/9/12).

Ia mengatakan, rencana ekstensifikasi lahan ini ditargetkan akan terealisasi pada akhir tahun ini. Sehingga bisa difungsikan untuk lahan pertanian dan perkebunan. "Kira-kira akhir tahun ini lah," sambungnya.

Rusman menambahkan lahan 300 ribu hektar ini akan dilepas kepada BUMN untuk ditanami komoditi-komoditi unggulan. "Nanti urusan mau ditanam padi, kedelai, atau apa urusan BUMN mau ditanam apa," sambungnya.

Sebelumnya, rencana ekstensifikasi lahan ini akan berlokasi di Kalimantan Timur. Namun, ada beberapa masalah yang dihadapi terkait ketersediaan lahan tersebut.

"Kalau yang di Kalimantan Timur itu kan urusannya Pemda sana, kalau yang di Kalimantan Tengah ini antara Kementerian Kehutanan dan Kementerian Pertanian," pungkasnya.


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Setor Rp 77,5 Miliar, Astra Otopart Dirikan 2 Perusahaan Komponen di Karawang

Jakarta - PT Astra Otopart Tbk (AUTO) kembali mendirikan dua anak usaha baru yang akan memproduksi komponen kendaraan bermotor. Perusahaan yang menjadi bagian dari grup Astra ini telah menyetorkan modal total Rp 77,5 miliar.

Direktur Astra Otopart Robby Sani, menjelaskan, anak usaha pertama bernama PT Autoplastik Indonesia yang siap memproduksi plastik part komponen kendaraan bermotor.

Hasil produksi ini untuk mensuply kebutuhan produsen (OE) 4W. Autoplastik Indonesia berlokasi di Karawang dan seluruh sahamnya dipegang AUTO.

Anak usaha kedua, PT Velasto Indonesia dengan prouksi komponen berupa ban dalam (tube) untuk suplai kebutuuah OE 2W, selang (hose) untuk suply kebutuhan OE 2E & 4E, dan transmission belt untuk kebutuhan OE 2W. Velasto juga berlokasi di Purwakarta dengan penempatan modal ditempatkan dan disetor penuh Rp 2,5 miliar.

AUTO juga menjadi pemegang penuh atas saham PT Velasto Indonesia. "Pendirian perusahaan tersebut tidak mengangung unsur benturang kepentingan dan nilainya tidak cukup material yaitu kurang dari 20% dari ekuitas," katanya.


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Pemilukada DKI Putaran Dua, BI dan Bursa Efek Tetap Buka

Jakarta - Bank Indonesia (BI) dan Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) menyatakan operasional perbankan dan perdagangan bursa tetap buka meskipun ada Pemilihan Umum Gubernur DKI Jakarta.

Juru Bicara BI, Difi Johansyah mengatakan operasional BI antara lain BI-Real Time Gross Settlement (BI-RTGS) dan BI-Scripless Securities Settlement System (BI-SSSS), serta Sistem Kliring Nasional Bank Indonesia (SKNBI) tetap beroperasi.

"Bank tetap buka dan BI sendiri sama seperti Pilkada sebelumnya tetap berjalan seperti biasa," ungkap Difi ketika dihubungi, Jumat (14/9/2012).

Direktur Pengawasan Transaksi dan Kepatuhan BEI, Uriep Budhi Prasetyo juga mengatakan hal yang sama. Perdagangan di BEI tetap buka selama Pemilihan Umum DKI-1. "Sama seperti Pilkada yang sebelumnya berlangsung," ujar Uriep.

Seperti diketahui, KPU DKI Jakarta telah menyusun jadwal dan tahapan Pemilu DKI Jakarta, termasuk untuk putaran II. Pemungutan suara babak penentuan ini akan digelar 20 September 2012.


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Wamentan: Swasembada Kedelai 2014 Perlu Lompatan Besar

Jakarta - Wakil Menteri Pertanian (Wamentan) Rusman Heriawan mengatakan untuk mencapai swasembada kedelai tahun 2014 nanti, harus ada usaha-usaha yang keras. Kenyataanya saat ini produksi kedelai dalam negeri hanya sepertiga dari kebutuhan per tahun.

"Sekarang produksi kita 800 ribu ton, untuk mengejar 2,5 juta ton swasembada pada tahun 2011. Itu apa kita yakin bisa kita capai. Saya katakan itu bisa tapi dengan lompatan besar," ungkap Rusman pada acara Diskusi Pertanian Berkelanjutan, di Jakarta, Jumat (14/9/12).

Ia mengatakan, ada 2 usaha yang bisa lakukan untuk mencapai ini. Yang pertama menurutnya, pemerintah harus menyediakan lahan tambahan untuk komoditi ini dengan syarat tidak diganggu oleh tanaman lain.

"Ada 2 yang bisa kita lakukan, yang pertama dengan memperoleh lahan kedelai baru yang tidak diganggu oleh tanaman lain, karena kedelai itu the loser. Karena harga menjadikan orang lebih senang nanam jagung," katanya.

Rusman menambahkan langkah kedua adalah dengan menanam bibit unggul untuk kedelai.

"Bagaimana kita bisa mencari bibit unggul yang bisa meningkatkan produktivitasnya, rata-rata kan selama ini kita 1,4 1,5 ton per hektar kalau bisa 2 ton lah," tambahnya.

Menurutnyan ini merupakan 2 langkah penting jika pemerintah ingin benar-benar mencapai swasembada kedelai tahun 2014 nanti.

"Saya kira itu bisa tercapai, sekali lagi kalau peningkatan produksi hanya meningkatkan produktivitas dengan mencari bibit unggul, itu nggak akan bisa kecapai," pungkasnya.


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Kedelai Bahan Baku Tempe RI Jadi Pakan Ternak di AS

Jakarta - Tahukan Anda, komoditi kedelai kuning yang menjadi bahan baku tempe dan tahu di Indonesia ternyata dipakai pakan ternak di Amerika. Meski peruntukannya berbeda, kedelai ini tetap aman dikonsumsi.

Hal ini diungkapkan oleh Pakar Pertanian, Bustanul Arifin usai acara Diskusi Pertanian Berkelanjutan di Jalan Jeruk Purut, Jakarta Selatan, Jumat (14/9/12).

"Terus terang, kedelai kuning yang Anda makan itu untuk pakan ternak di Amerika," ungkapnya.

Namun hal ini masih tergolong aman. Karena menurutnya, komoditi jagung yang sudah kering pun acap kali digunakan untuk pakan ternak.

"Saya bukan pakar kesehatan, tapi sebetulnya mungkin tidak bahaya," katanya.

Menurutnya, sampai tahun 2011, impor kedelai sudah mencapai 5 juta ton. Ini terdiri dari tiga jenis kedelai, yakni biji kedelai kuning sebagai bahan baku tempe dan tahu, bungkil kedelai sebanyak 3 juta ton, dan sedikit porsi dari minyak kedelai.

Secara terpisah, Wakil Menteri Pertanian, Rusman Heryawan mengatakan, kini komoditi kedelai ini semakin menurun. Bahkan kedelai disebut sebagai 'pecundang' diantara dua komoditi lain yaitu jagung dan padi.

Dia mengatakan, para petani pun lebih memilih untuk menanam jagung atau padi dibandingkan menanam kedelai. Pasalnya, harga jual dari jagung lebih menjanjikan dibanding kedelai.

"Jagung lebih menguntungkan. Kedelai harganya Rp 4.000. Kedelai itu the loser, orang lebih senang nanam jagung," ungkap Ruswan.


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Melemah 3 Poin, IHSG 'Melempem' ke 4.170

Written By Unknown on Thursday, September 13, 2012 | 7:00 AM

Jakarta - Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) ditutup melemah 3,458 poin. Euphoria pelaku pasar telah surut menanggapi kabar parlemen Jerman yang menyetujui bailout untuk Zona Eropa dan meningkatnya harapan investor terhadap stimulus dari Bank Sentral, The Fed. Adanya peledakan bom di Dubes AS yang terjadi di Libya dikecam oleh beberapa kepala negara menjadi sentimen negatif.

Sementara di dalam negeri sendiri, keputusan Bank Indonesia (BI) yang mempertahankan suku bunga acuannya di posisi 5,75% tak membuat banyak perubahan terhadap pergerakan indeks.

Nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dolar Amerika Serikat (AS) ditutup melemah di posisi Rp 9.593 per dolar AS dibandingkan posisi pada penutupan perdagangan kemarin Rp 9.560 per dolar AS.

Membuka perdagangan pagi hari, IHSG dibuka naik tipis 0,108 poin (0,01%) ke level 4.174,205 atau bisa dibilang flat. Indeks sudah menanjak cukup tinggi kemarin dan mendekati area jenuh beli

Pada penutupan perdagangan sesi I, Kamis (12/9/2012), IHSG naik tipis 4,302 poin (0,10%) ke level 4.178,399. Sementara Indeks LQ45 menguat tipis 0,538 poin (0,08%) ke level 717,750.

Menutup perdagangan, IHSG melemah 3,458 poin ke posisi 4.170 atau 0,08% pelemahannya. Sementara indeks LQ45 juga melemah 1,324 poin ke posisi 715,888.

Perdagangan hari ini berjalan moderat dengan frekuensi transaksi mencapai 158.592 kali pada volume 4,883 miliar lembar saham senilai Rp 4,192 triliun. Sebanyak 96 saham naik, sisanya 139 saham turun, dan 90 saham stagnan.

Kondisi bursa saham di negara lain juga terlihat memerah. Hanya bursa di Malaysia dan Jepang yang masih menghijau.

Berikut situasi dan kondisi bursa-bursa di regional hingga sore hari ini:

  • Indeks Komposit Shanghai melemah 16,18 poin (0,76%) ke level 2.110,38. 
  • Indeks Hang Seng melemah 27,76 poin (0,14%) ke level 20.047,63. 
  • Indeks Nikkei 225 melonjak 35,19 poin (0,39%) ke level 8.995,15. 
  • Indeks Straits Times melemah 2,73 poin (0,10%) ke level 3.026,99. 

Saham-saham yang naik signifikan dan masuk dalam jajaran top gainers diantaranya Fast Food Indonesia (FAST) naik Rp 1.600 ke Rp 14.000, Astra Agro (AALI) naik Rp 1.000 ke Rp 21.650, Roda Viva (RDTX) naik Rp 625 ke Rp 3.150, dan Multi Prima Sejahtera (LPIN) naik Rp 500 ke Rp 8.000.

Sementara saham-saham yang turun cukup dalam dan masuk dalam kategori top losers antara lain Indocement Tunggal Perkasa (INTP) turun Rp 450 ke Rp 19.600, Gudang Garam (GGRM) turun Rp 450 ke Rp 49.300, Smart Tbk (SMAR) turun Rp 350 ke Rp 6.800, dan Lion Metal Works (LION) turun Rp 350 ke Rp 9.650.


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Hatta: Masalah Korupsi, Pelayanan Publik, dan Infrastruktur Segera Perbaiki

Jakarta - Menko Perekonomian Hatta Rajasa mengakui turunnya daya saing Indonesia akibat tiga permasalahan utama, yaitu tingginya korupsi, rendahnya pelayanan terhadap publik, dan kondisi infrastruktur yang masih minim.

"Kita tahu masalah korupsi, masalah pelayanan publik, masalah infrastruktur, segera kita perbaiki. Jadi dari sisi itu," ujar Hatta saat ditemui di kantornya, Jalan Lapangan Banteng, Jakarta, Kamis (12/9/2012).

Meskipun demikian, Hatta optimistis Indonesia tetap menjadi negara tujuan investasi yang menjanjikan karena telah mengantongi peringkat investment grade.

"Tapi dari sisi investment grade juga merupakan pembuktian bahwa kita layak menjadi negara tujuan investasi," pungkasnya.

Seperti diketahui, peringkat daya saing global (global competitiveness index/GCI) Indonesia kembali turun untuk periode 2012-2013, yaitu berada pada posisi 50 dari 144 negara.

Padahal pada periode 2011-2012 Indonesia berada pada peringkat 46 dari 142 negara, dan pada periode 2010-2011 pada peringkat 44 dari 139 negara. Ini menurut laporan World Economic Forum (WEF).

Bahkan selama tiga tahun terakhir tersebut, skor GCI Indonesia stagnan pada angka 4,4 (skor 1-7). Daya saing institusi, infrastruktur, efisiensi pasar tenaga kerja, dan kesiapan teknologi Indonesia tercatat memiliki nilai rendah di bawah angka 4.


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Waduk Kering, PLTG dan PLTU Jadi Andalan Selain PLTA

Jakarta - Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gas (PLTG) dan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) jadi andalan untuk menyediakan pasokan listrik agar tetap aman saat kekeringan. Hal ini untuk mengamankan kinerja Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA).

Hal ini disampaikan oleh Chairman dan Executif Direktur Centre for Petroleum and Energy Economic Studies (CPEES) Kurtubi saat ditemui detikFinance di Hotel Sari Pan Pacifik Hotel Jakarta, Kamis (13/09/12).

"Dampak kekeringan secara langsung berdampak pada kinerja PLTA, pemerintah harus tanggap maksimalkan PLTG dan PLTU agar pasokan listrik aman," katanya.

Menurut catatan Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum, Jawa Barat saat ini memasuki musim kemarau dan bahaya kekeringan. Beberapa waduk yang dijadikan tempat penampungan listrik dan dijadikan PLTA terancam dengan kekeringan ini.

Bahkan tampungan di tangki cadangan digunakan waduk Saguling untuk mengoperasikan turbin namun jumlahnya terbatas. Bila debit air terus menurun, pasokan listrik dipastikan terganggu dalam dua bulan mendatang.

"Pembangkit Listrik Uap dan gas harus maksimal. Ini solusi jangka pendek, seperti maksimalkan PLTU di Paiton Jawa Timur itu cara satu-satunya," imbuhnya.

Bernasib sama dengan Saguling, PLTA Jatiluhur, yang berada di Purwakarta, hingga kini memang masih berfungsi, tetapi tidak maksimal. Dari 6 turbin, tinggal 4 yang hidup. Dengan demikian, kapasitas PLTA itu menjadi 100 Mw yang biasanya mencapai 150 Mw.

Ketinggian air Waduk Jatiluhur dalam tiga hari terakhir terus menyusut rata-rata 20 cm per hari. Kemarin, ketinggian air pada posisi 95,51 meter. "Pasokan batubara dan gas harus optimal, bukan tidak mungkin jika ini terganggu maka pasokan listrik Jawa akan terganggu," tutupnya.


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Naikkan Harga Premium Jadi Rp 6.000, Cara Paling Ampuh Tekan Subsidi

Jakarta - Wacana kenaikan harga BBM subsidi dari Rp 4.500 per liter saat ini menjadi Rp 6.000 per liter merupakan cara paling ampuh untuk menekan laju subsidi BBM.

"Harga dinaikan menjadi Rp 5.000-6.000 itu alternatif yang baik, setelah tidak ada alternatif lain," kata Pengamat Migas Kurtubi saat ditemui di Hotel Sari Pan Pacific, Jalan Thamrin, Jakarta, Kamis (13/9/2012).

Dikatakan Kurtubi, wacana untuk membatasi penggunaan BBM subsidi untuk mobil 10 liter per hari tidaklah tepat. Menurut Kurtubi, ide pembatasan tersebut merupakan pemaksaan dan pemerintah sudah buntu berpikir.

"Tak efektif, itu memaksa dan hal ini jelas akan memicu keresahan sosial. Siapa yang harus bertanggung jawab jika terjadi keresahan sosial," ungkap Kutubi.

Kurtubi menambahkan, ide pemerintah membatasi konsumsi BBM subsidi untuk mobil akan mengganggu pertumbuhan ekonomi yang saat ini sedang tumbuh. Pemerintah seharusnya menghitung dengan cermat kuota yang berdasarkan pada kebutuhan nyata.

"Pertumbuhan ekonomi akan terganggu loh, makanya harus dihitung berdasarkan kebutuhan nyata," paparnya.

Sebelumnya, Wakil Menteri ESDM Rudi Rubiandini mengatakan, harga BBM subsidi di Indonesia di Indonesia sudah seharusnya naik. Perbedaan harga BBM subsidi (Rp 4.500) dengan harga pertamax (Rp 9.500) membuat orang ogah pake BBM non subsidi.

Rudi mengatakan, harga BBM subsidi di Indonesia minimal harus dinaikkan hingga Rp 6.000 per liter. Harga BBM subsidi bisa dinaikkan bertahap atau dicicil Rp 500 per liter sampai mencapai Rp 6.000 per liter.

"Di dunia ini hanya belasan negara saja yang masih harga BBM-nya Rp 4.500. Ratusan negara lainnya sudah di atas. Di ASEAN saja, negara yang PDB-nya di bawah Indonesia seperti Thailand, Vietnam harga BBM sudah Rp 12.000-14.000. Indonesia ini sudah sekarang net importir juga mensubsidi tidak apa-apa tapi jangan jor-joran dari Rp 9.800 kok cuma Rp 4.500," kata Rudi.


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Cerita Mantan Bos Merpati: di Balik Tudingan Terima Dana Rp 800 Juta

Jakarta - Mantan Direktur Utama PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines, Sardjono Jhony Tjitrokusumo baru saja meluncurkan buku berjudul 'Merpati Pekerjaan Rumah Yang Belum Selesai'. Namun dalam pembuatan buku tersebut dirinya sempat mendapatkan fitnah yakni menerima dana Rp 800 juta dari Merpati.

"Ada orang dalam Merpati ngomong kalau pembuatan buku saya itu dibiayai dari Merpati Rp 800 juta," kata Sardjono kepada detikFinance, di Kantor Merpati Lantai 12 Gedung Basarnas, Kamis (13/9/2012).

Dikatakannya, padahal itu fitnah, namun fitnah tersebut sudah menyebar kemana-mana bahkan sampai di Kementerian BUMN dan lainnya.

"Fitnah itu menyebar kemana-mana sampai ke Kementerian BUMN juga, padahal biaya pembuatan buku tersebut dari uang saya sendiri Rp 80 juta, Tim kami buat dari dikamar hotel bintang 1 sampai ditikar rumah saya, sampai sikat gigi pun pakai lontong sayur, agar buku ini selesai," ungkapnya.

Tujuan Sardjono membuat buku tersebut sebagai bentuk penjelasan dan tanggung jawab yang belum sempat ia sampaikan kepada pemegang saham karena keburu dipecat atau dalam bukunya ditulis 'dikudeta'.

"Buku ini sebagai pejelasan dan tanggung jawab saya yang belum sempat saya sampaikan kepada pemegang saham karena keburu diberhentikan," katanya.

Dalam bukunya tersebut, Sardjono mengaku hingga sampai saat ini belum tahu alasan dirinya dipecat dan digantikan Komisaris Utama Merpati yakni Rudy Setyopurnomo sebagai Dirut yang baru.

"Tanggal 14 Mei 2012 Diputi Bidang Usaha Infrasruktur dan Logistik Kementerian BUMN Sumaryanto Widayatin atas nama Menteri BUMN resmi melengserkan Jhony panggilan akrabnya. Namun dirinya tidak mengetahui alasan pemecatan tersebut dasarnya apa, apakah karena surat pengundurun diri yang pernah saya lakukan?," tulisnya dalam bukunya.

Namun waktu itu Sumaryanto mengatakan alasan utama pencopotan dirinya sebagai Dirut Merpati adalah kerena usulan pengunduran diri pada RUPS pada 31 Januari 2012.

"Usulan itu kan sudah jelas ditolak Menteri BUMN, dan kalau kinerja yang kurang baik pada 2011 kan karena tertundanya PMN Rp 561 miliar yang terlambat 9 bulan dari yang direncanakan," tandasnya.


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Proyek 6 Tol Dalam Kota Jakarta, Sunter-Pulo Gebang Jadi Prioritas

Jakarta - Pemerintah daerah DKI Jakarta dan Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum (PU) menggarap 6 ruas tol dalam kota. Untuk tahap awal, ruas Sunter- Pulo Gebang akan mendapat prioritas untuk dibangun.

Dari 6 tol proyek ini terbagi menjadi 2 bagian, yaitu proyek jangka pendek (2011-2015) dan jangka menengah (2016-2020). Proyek yang termasuk ke dalam proyek jangka pendek ialah Sunter – Pulo Gebang, sedangkan yang termasuk ke dalam proyek jangka menengah ialah Duri Pulo – Kampung Melayu, Ulujami – Tanah Abang, Kemayoran – Kampung Melayu, Pasar Minggu – Casablanca

"Pemenrintah Provinsi DKI jakarta telah memprakarsai pembangunan enam ruas jalan tol dalam kota Jakarta," ungkap Staf Ahli Kementerian PU bidang Ekonomi dan Investasi, Setiabudi Algamar di Hotel Sultan, Jalan Gatot Subroto, Jakarta (13/9/12).

Ke enam ruas jalan tol yang dimaksud meliputi Rawa Buaya - Sunter (18,95 km), Sunter - Pulo (14,73 km), Duri Pulo - Kp. Melayu (11,38 km), Ulujami - Tanah Abang (8,27 km), Kemayoran - Kp. Melayu (9,64 km), dan Pasar Minggu - Casablanca (9,56 km).

Setiabudhi menambahkan, keseluruhan proyek ini merupakan bentuk kerjasama yang konkret antara pemerintah pusat yang dalam hal ini adalah Kementerian PU dan Pemerintah Daerah DKI Jakarta.

"Pembangunan enam ruas jalan tol dalam kota ini merupakan bentuk kongkrit Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta bekerjasama dengan Kementerian PU dalam rangka mengurangi kemacetan di area Jabodetabek," katanya.


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Pulo Gebang, Terminal Bus Terbesar di ASEAN Sekelas Bandara

Jakarta - Pemerintah provinsi DKI Jakarta tengah membangun proyek termina bus terbesar se-Asia Tenggara yang kualitasnya sekelas bandara. Dana Rp 5,5 triliun siap dikucurkan.

Ketua Badan Perencana Pembangunan Daerah (Bappeda) DKI Jakarta Sarwo Handhayani mengatakan, pada terminal ini, arus penumpang akan diatur sedemikian rupa untuk mengurangi kepadatan.

"Akan ada pemisahan antar penumpang yang datang dan pergi, seperti bandara. Dan juga di luar kota dan dalam kota terpisah, tapi terhubung dengan baik, dan ada ruang antara yang membuat sinkron keduanya," ungkap Handhayani saat ditemui di Hotel Sultan, Jalan Gatot Subroto, Jakarta, Kamis (13/9/12).

Dia mengatakan, terminal ini bakal dilengkapi akses jalan tol dan jalur kereta api yang akan melewati terminal ini. Dia memproyeksikan jalan tol yang akan menjadi akses ke terminal ini akan terkoneksi dengan JORR.

"Bagian dari JORR nanti. Dia juga terintegrasi dengan kereta api," sambungnya.

Tak hanya itu, Deputi Gubernur Bidang Transportasi, Perdagangan, dan Industri DKI Jakarta Soetanto Sudhodho mengatakan, terminal ini pun akan dilengkapi dengan pusat perbelanjaan. Terminal ini ditargetkan beroperasi paling lama 2 tahun lagi.

"Itu terminal yang agak besar, kita melihat aktivitas terminal bukan hanya tempat orang bertransfer pindah moda tapi juga sebagai titik atraksi membuat orang itu ingin datang ke sana untuk memanfaatkan transportasi," imbuhnya.


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Pertamina: 170 Truk BBM Tak Sampai ke SPBU, Itu Bohong!

Jakarta - Pihak Pertamina membantah adanya 170 truk pengangkut BBM dari depo Pertamina di Kalimantan Barat yang tidak sampai ke SPBU, seperti yang ditemukan oleh Badan Pengatur Kegiatan Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BPH Migas).

Hal ini disampaikan oleh Kepala Humas Pertamina Kalimantan Bambang Irianto kepada detikFinance, Kamis (13/9/2012).

"Kami luruskan, tidak ada hal tersebut terjadi di Kalimantan, mana mungkin ada sampai 170 truk BBM keluar dari depo dalam dua minggu tidak terkirim sampai ke SPBU," ujar Bambang.

Dikatakan Bambang, tak mungkin dalam dua minggu ada 170 truk BBM yang keluar dari depo Pertamina. "Tidak mungkin sekali dua minggu ada 170 truk yang tidak sampai ke SPBU. Artinya dalam sehari ada 4 truk yang tidak datang ke SPBU, memangnya jumlah SPBU di Kalimantan Barat berapa? Kuotanya berapa? Kalau segitu banyak sekali," cetus Bambang.

Diungkapkan Bambang, dirinya juga telah mengecek langsung ke Sales Representatif (SR) Pertamina di Kalimantan Barat dan Kepala Dinas Perindustrian di sana, namun tidak ada data temuan seperti yang diungkapkan BPH Migas.

"Kita sudah cek ke SR dan Kepala Dinas Perindustrian Kalbar, tidak ada data yang seperti diungkapkan BPH Migas kalau ada temuan selama 170 truk BBM tidak sampai ke SPBU di Kalimantan," ungkapnya lagi.

Bahkan kata Bambang, tidak ada surat teguran yang dilayangkan oleh BPH Migas kepada Pertamina atas kejadian tersebut apalagi SBPU yang dibekukan operasionalnya.

"Semua SPBU beroperasi semua, tidak ada yang dibekukan. Kami juga tidak pernah terima surat teguran dari BPH Migas karena kejadian tersebut tidak ada, bohong itu," tegasnya.

Sebelumnya, Direktur BBM BPH Migas Djoko Siswanto menyatakan telah menegur keras Pertamina. Ini karena adanya temuan 170 truk tangki BBM di Kalimantan Barat yang keluar dari depo BBM, tapi tak terkirim ke SPBU.


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US-Israel rift over Iran widens

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, September 12, 2012 | 11:50 AM

Ties between the United States and Israel showed new signs of strain, after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criticized the U.S. for not taking a harder line on Iran. NBC's Brian Williams reports.

By NBC News and wire services

Updated at 9:30 p.m. ET: Ties between the United States and Israel showed new signs of strain on Tuesday, after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criticized the U.S. for not taking a harder line on Iran.

The White House, for its part, denied an Israeli source's claim that President Barack Obama had refused Netanyahu's request for a meeting later this month during the U.N. General Assembly.

"The president arrives in New York for the U.N. on Monday, September 24th, and departs on Tuesday, September 25th," said National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor. "The prime minister doesn't arrive in New York until later in the week. They're simply not in the city at the same time.

"But the president and PM are in frequent contact," he added, "and the PM will meet with other senior officials, including Secretary (Hillary) Clinton, during his visit."

Obama spoke with Netanyahu for an hour by phone Tuesday night, according to a White House statement, during which the two leaders discussed the threat posed by Iran's nuclear program and reaffirmed their shared goal of preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. 

An Israeli official earlier told Reuters on condition of anonymity that Netanyahu's aides had asked for a meeting and "the White House has got back to us and said it appears a meeting is not possible. It said that the president's schedule will not permit that."


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during a news conference Tuesday in Jerusalem where he made threats to attack Iran if the U.S. and other allies don't.

The White House said Netanyahu had not requested a meeting.

Netanyahu, who has met Obama on all his U.S. trips since 2009, has been pushing him to adopt a tougher line against Iran.

He argues that setting a clear boundary for Iran's uranium enrichment activities and imposing stronger economic sanctions could deter Tehran from developing nuclear weapons and mitigate the need for military action.

Related: Iran sanctions exceed expectations but still don't change Tehran's behavior
Related: Iran advancing on nuclear warhead calculations, sources say

In comments that appeared to bring the possibility of an Israeli attack on Iran closer, Netanyahu had earlier taken Washington to task for rebuffing his call to set a "red line" for Iran's nuclear program, which has already prompted four rounds of U.N. sanctions.

"The world tells Israel 'Wait, there's still time'. And I say, 'Wait for what? Wait until when?'" Netanyahu said Tuesday, speaking in English.

"Those in the international community who refuse to put red lines before Iran don't have a moral right to place a red light before Israel," he added, addressing a news conference with Bulgaria's prime minister.

The website of Israel's daily newspaper Haaretz called his words "an unprecedented verbal attack on the U.S. government."
Iran makes no secret of its hostility to Israel, widely assumed to be the region's only nuclear-armed power, but says its nuclear program is purely peaceful.

Netanyahu's relations with Obama have been strained over Iran and other issues, such as Jewish settlement building in the occupied West Bank.

Yuval Steinitz, finance minister of Israel, offers insight on keeping the Israeli economy afloat despite the threat of Iran's nuclear program and a war of words.

But he has never framed his differences with Obama -- who has pledged he will "always have Israel's back" and is deep in a re-election campaign -- in moral terms.

Republican challenger Mitt Romney has accused Obama of throwing Israel "under the bus."

Netanyahu's comments followed U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's remarks on Monday that the United States would not set a deadline in further talks with Iran, and that there was still time for diplomacy to work.

U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said on Tuesday that Washington would have little more than a year to act to stop Iran if it decided to produce a nuclear weapon.

Iran has threatened to retaliate against Israel and U.S. interests in the Gulf if it is attacked, and any such conflict could throw Obama's re-election bid off course.

Netanyahu did not mention Clinton by name but pointedly parroted her use of the word "deadline," saying: "If Iran knows that there is no 'deadline', what will it do? Exactly what it's doing. It's continuing, without any interference, towards obtaining a nuclear weapons capability and from there, nuclear bombs ...

"The sanctions have hurt the Iranian economy but they haven't stopped the Iranian nuclear program," he added. "That's a fact. And the fact is that every day that passes, Iran gets closer and closer to nuclear bombs."

Recent tougher Israeli rhetoric has stoked speculation that Israel might attack Iran before the U.S. election in November, believing that Obama would be forced to give it military help to avoid alienating pro-Israeli voters.

But over the past week, Netanyahu, in calling for a red line, had appeared to be backing away from military action and preparing the ground for a possible meeting with Obama.

Opinion polls suggest that a majority of Israelis do not want their military to strike Iran without U.S. support.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak seemed to criticize Netanyahu's assault on the Jewish state's biggest ally.

"Despite the differences and importance of maintaining Israel's independence of action, we must remember the importance of partnership with the United States and try as much as possible not to hurt that," a statement from his office said.

Reuters contributed to this report.

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Romney slams Obama over Libya, Egypt attacks

Protesters scaled the walls of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and pulled down the American flag during a protest over what they said was a film produced in the United States that insulted the Prophet Muhammad. NBC's Richard Engel reports.

By NBC News staff

Mitt Romney attacked the Obama administration late Tuesday over the attacks on the U.S. diplomatic missions in Egypt and Libya, claiming its first response was "to sympathize" with the attackers.

An Obama campaign spokesman responded by saying they were "shocked" that Romney would "choose to launch a political attack" shortly after the death of a U.S. official. A State Department officer was killed in Benghazi, Libya, after armed protesters stormed the consulate.

As the controversy built on Tuesday over an amateur video allegedly produced in the U.S. – that shows the Prophet Muhammad having sex and calling for massacres – the U.S. Embassy in Cairo issued a statement saying it condemned "efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions.

"Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others," it added.

American killed in Libya during protests about Prophet Muhammad video

However an Obama administration official later told Politico that the statement "was not cleared by Washington and does not reflect the views of the United States government."

Romney 'outraged'
Romney said he was "outraged" by the attacks and the killing of the officer in Benghazi.

"It's disgraceful that the Obama Administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks," he added.

Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt criticized Romney for seeking to make the situation a campaign issue.

"We are shocked that, at a time when the United States of America is confronting the tragic death of one of our diplomatic officers in Libya, Governor Romney would choose to launch a political attack," he said.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in a statement that she condemned the attacks "in the strongest terms."

"We are heartbroken by this terrible loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and those who have suffered in this attack," she said of the dead officer.

'Never any justification'
Clinton said Mohamed al-Magariaf, president of Libya's National Congress, had "expressed his condemnation and condolences and pledged his government's full cooperation."

"Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet," she said. "The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind."

Sarah Palin also weighed in on her Facebook page, beginning her remarks by saying "apparently President Obama can't see Egypt and Libya from his house."

"On the anniversary of the worst terrorist attacks ever perpetrated on America, our embassy in Cairo and our consulate in Benghazi were attacked by violent Islamic mobs," she said.

"The Islamic radicals claim that these attacks are in protest to some film criticizing Islam. In response to this, the U.S. embassy in Cairo issued a statement that was so outrageous many of us thought it must be a satire," she added. "The embassy actually apologized to the violent mob attacking us, and it even went so far as to chastise those who use free speech to 'hurt the religious feelings of Muslims.'"

Addressing Obama, Palin asked "How's that Arab Spring working out for us now?"

"It's about time our president stood up for America and condemned these Islamic extremists," she said.

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Despite dark past, Israelis seek new lives in Berlin

Nearly 70 years after the Holocaust was planned and executed in Berlin, there has been an influx of young Israelis to the city. "In Israel, you must struggle, you struggle every day," one recent arrival says. NBC News' Carlo Angerer reports.

By Carlo Angerer, NBC News

BERLIN, Germany -- Israeli Zeev Avrahami stands in the small kitchen of his restaurant peeling eggs and dripping fresh olive oil on a plate of hummus he is about to serve. The restaurant's name -- 'Sababa,' which is slang for good or fun -- is written proudly in Hebrew letters over its entrance.

Nearly 70 years after the Holocaust was planned and executed in the German capital and Nazi atrocities nearly extinguished Jewish life on the European continent, Avrahami's eatery is a sign of a new chapter of Jewish life in Germany.

Avrahami is at the culinary forefront of an influx of Israelis who have moved Berlin in recent years. Officials at the Israeli Embassy estimate that about 15,000 of its citizens now live in the city, thought to be the highest number in decades.

'They don't know what to say'
Before the Holocaust about 160,000 Jews called Berlin home. By the time the city was liberated by the Red Army in 1945, only 8,000 remained. 

And while Avrahami feels safe in Berlin, his interactions with German citizens are often burdened by the past.

"Once you say you're Israeli, there is silence. They don't know what to say," he told NBC News. "In Germany, it's still hard to be different, a foreigner. It's not an immigration country, it's not America."

What is attracting young Israelis to the former center of Nazi Germany? Even today, synagogues, Jewish schools, and other buildings linked to the community across Germany are under constant police protection amid fears of attacks by right-wing and Islamist groups.

Carlo Angerer / NBC News

The Sababa restaurant in central Berlin is a small sign of a new chapter of Jewish life in Germany.

Israeli insurance salesman Ilan Weiss, who moved to Berlin in 1990, believes the increasing cost of living and cuts to social services in his homeland -- as well as Berlin's image as a hip and multicultural destination -- is behind the trend.

Weiss, who runs the the non-profit website, said that some new arrivals "show up with only a suitcase."

"I get requests from new arrivals or Israelis looking to move to Berlin nearly every week," Weiss added. "It's hard to live in the country where they come from, so the people come to Germany, where it's better than the rest of Europe, even than the U.S."

Economic woes
Among the incomers is Inbal Mayan, who came to Berlin about 4 months ago. The 31-year-old Tel Aviv native says daily life in her homeland has become difficult to afford for many young Israelis, even if they work two or three jobs.

Mayan says that even though Berlin is famous for its easy-going lifestyle, the economy is a key factor for many Israelis. "It's not about the partying anymore, but it's about life that you can actually live and afford and not to struggle every day to have money, to live a simple life," she said. "In Israel you must struggle, you struggle every day."

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She now takes German courses at the local Jewish community's language school and hopes to attend university and get a Master's degree.

Fellow language student Bar Ben-Yehuda arrived one-and-a-half years ago from the outskirts of Jerusalem.

"Here we have the opportunity for a better life, we can build something," he said. "The opportunities are better here than in Israel – I'm very sad to say this, because that's my country, but it's the truth."

But sooner or later, Berlin's dark past creeps in as reminders of Jewish life destroyed by the Holocaust are evident throughout the city, from the massive Holocaust memorial to so called 'Stolpersteine' (stumbling blocks), commemorative metal plaques installed in front of former homes of Jews deported to concentration camps.

'You have to deal with it'
Restaurant owner Avrahami, who has been living in Berlin for four years, says the German capital becomes a spirital place for many Israelis.

"A lot of arrivals, because they're so young, they don't see that but there is something that pulls you down," he told NBC News. "At the beginning you don't pay attention to the signs, but it creeps in you all the time. At some point you have to deal with it."

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Israeli Nirit Bialer, 34, moved to Berlin six years ago and helped to start the group Habait, 'home' in Hebrew, hopes to bring Germans and Israelis together through cultural events and creating a place for enhanced dialogue between the two groups.

Young Germans tend to be not as preoccupied with the burden of the country's dark past as their parents' generation.

"Berlin is a very cosmopolitan city," Bialer says. "It's not necessarily this gray dark place that we are taught from history." 

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US ambassador, 3 others killed in Libya

A large group of protesters has been gathering in Cairo, Egypt, since the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. NBC's Richard Engel reports.

President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney all condemned the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that led to the deaths of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans NBC's Brian Mooar reports.

By M. Alex Johnson and Daniel Strieff, NBC News

New in this version: Adds National Security Council comment; Marines could be deployed

Updated at 2:17 p.m. ET: U.S. officials told NBC News on Wednesday that they couldn't rule out the possibility that al-Qaeda-inspired Islamist militants were responsible for the attack that killed the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi.

Carrie Dann, Richard Engel, Ellie Hall, Alicia Jennings, Jim Miklaszewski, Andrea Mitchell, Kerry Sanders, Jeanee Vonessen, Ali Weinberg and Robert Windrem of NBC News and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Libyan officials and postings on Islamist websites from known militant activists suggested that the attack —which officials had previously suggested was retaliation for release of a movie critical of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad — may also have been revenge for the death of a top al-Qaeda leader in June.

Libyan Deputy Interior Minister Wanis al-Sharif said in a briefing for reporters Wednesday that the U.S. government should have removed its staff from the country when news of the film's release broke because of festering tensions surrounding the killing of deputy al-Qaeda leader Abu Yahya al-Libi.

"It was necessary that they take precautions," Sharif said. "It was their fault that they did not take the necessary precautions."

Libya's interim president, Mohammed el-Megarif, suggested that the attack was timed to coincide with the 11th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in the U.S. to "destroy democracy in Libya."

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In his annual statement marking the anniversary Tuesday, Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri called for Islamists to seek revenge for the killing of al-Liby, and online postings Wednesday from Islamist militants celebrated the attack as payback for al-Liby's death, said Evan Kohlmann, an Middle East and terrorism analyst for NBC News. 

AFP - Getty Images

A man waves his rifle as buildings and cars are engulfed in flames after being set on fire inside the U.S. consulate compound in Benghazi.

Tommy Vietor, a spokesman for the National Security Council, told NBC News that "it would be premature to ascribe any motive to this reprehensible act," and other U.S. officials said they couldn't rule out the possibility of a link. Officials said they were preparing to send as many as 200 Marines to Libya to bolster security around the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli.

The Marine Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team would be deployed from a Marine Amphibious Ready Group, already positioned aboard a helicopter carrier in the North Arabian Sea, officials told NBC News.

In addition, the Defense and State departments were considering sending additional Marines to other potential trouble spots, including Cairo and Kabul, which have both seen sectarian flare-ups against the U.S.

The officials said that as of now there was no plan for an all-out evacuation of U.S. government personnel from Libya.

Obama condemns attack
President Barack Obama condemned the attack, in which U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed after protesters stormed the U.S. consulate Tuesday night in Benghazi.

President Barack Obama, alongside Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, condemns the "outrageous and shocking attack" that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

"Make no mistake: Justice will be done," Obama said Wednesday.

Stevens was the first U.S. ambassador to be killed during an assignment since Adolph Dubs was slain in an exchange of gunfire during a kidnapping attempt in Afghanistan in 1979.

Ambassador Stevens was 'courageous and exemplary,' Obama says

Obama said in an earlier statement that Sean Smith, a Foreign Service information management officer and father of two children, was also among those who had been killed. Smith had previously been posted to the U.S. Consulate in Montreal, the U.S. Mission in Canada confirmed.

The State Department said the families of the two other victims were still being notified.

"While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants," Obama said in a statement.

Vice President Joe Biden, meanwhile, insisted the U.S. wouldn't be driven from the country.

"We never have been, and we never will be, run off, period," Biden said at a campaign event in Dayton, Ohio. "That's not who we are."

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Wednesday that the attack "should shock the people of all faiths around the world."

"I ask myself, how could this happen? How could this happen in a country we helped liberate, in a city we helped save from destruction?" she said. "This question reflects just how complicated and, at times, how confounding the world can be."

Romney slams Obama over attacks on US officials in Libya, Egypt

Attackers 'just wanted to find an American'
Descriptions of Tuesday's attack described chaos and bloodshed, with Libyan security overrun and retreating.

The Libya Herald quoted a demonstrator at the consulate as saying the protest was peaceful until police and other security forces began firing into the air. A protester then fired a rocket-propelled grenade launcher at a police vehicle but hit the consulate building on Venezia Street, instead, he said.

Ziad Abu Zeid, a Libyan doctor who treated Stevens, said he died of severe asphyxiation, apparently from smoke. In a sign of the chaos of during the attack, Stevens was taken alone by Libyans to the Benghazi Medical Center with no other Americans, and no one at the facility knew who he was, Abu Zeid told the Associated Press.

Stevens was practically dead when he arrived close to 1 a.m. Wednesday (7 p.m. ET Tuesday), and "we tried to revive him for an hour and a half but with no success," Abu Zeid said. The ambassador had bleeding in his stomach because of the asphyxiation but had no other injuries, he said.

Mohammed el-Megarif, Libya's interim president, apologized to the U.S. for the deadly attack. ITV's Richard Pallot reports.

Demonstrations in Benghazi and in Egypt broke out Tuesday following news reports about the anti-Islamic video, which — if a trailer posted on YouTube is representative — features an amateur cast performing a wooden dialogue of insults disguised as revelations about Muhammad. 

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The attacks were the first such assaults on U.S. diplomatic facilities in either country, at a time when both Libya and Egypt are struggling to overcome the turmoil following the ouster of their longtime leaders, Moammar Gadhafi and Hosni Mubarak, in uprisings last year.

Esam Omran Al-Fetori / Reuters

Flames engulf the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi late Tuesday.

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The events appeared to underscore how much the ground in the Middle East has shifted for Washington, which for decades had close ties with Arab dictators who could be counted on to muzzle dissent.

The diplomatic crisis in Libya and Egypt quickly turned political as the Obama and Romney campaigns traded statements overnight. NBC's Chuck Todd reports.

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Report: Maker of anti-Islamic film in hiding

By NBC News staff and wire reports

A California-based property developer who claims to be responsible for "Innocence of Muslims," a provocative film about the Prophet Muhammad, which sparked Tuesday's deadly attack on the U.S. mission in Libya and further protests in Egypt, has gone into hiding, The Associated Press reported.

Speaking by phone from an undisclosed location, Israeli-American writer and director Sam Bacile, 56, remained defiant, saying that he intended his film to be a political statement condemning the religion, the AP said.

"Islam is a cancer, period," the AP quoted him as repeatedly saying.

An English-language 13-minute trailer on YouTube shows an amateur cast performing a wooden dialogue of insults disguised as revelations about Muhammad.

Muslims find it offensive to depict Muhammad in any manner, let alone insult the prophet. A Danish newspaper's 2005 publication of 12 caricatures of the prophet triggered riots in many Muslim countries. 

The Wall Street Journal reported the film had been promoted by Terry Jones, the Florida pastor whose burning of Qurans previously sparked deadly riots in Pakistan and other Muslim nations.

Mock trial
A statement on the pastor's political website, posted late Tuesday, said it would be re-broadcasting the trailer for the film as part of a day-long 'International Judge Mohammad Day' in which it subjected the Muslim prophet to a mock trial for "promoting murder, rape, and destruction of people and property through his writings called the Koran."

NBC's Kerry Sanders talks about the controversial pastor's history of provocative acts against Islam and how he may be tied to an inflammatory film that has sparked uproar within the global Muslim community.

The statement said of Bacile's film: "It is an American production, not designed to attack Muslims but to show the destructive ideology of Islam. The movie further reveals in a satirical fashion the life of Muhammad."

Although it was posted to YouTube in 2011, the film only attracted attention in the Middle East after an unknown contributor dubbed it into Egyptian Arabic. That translation, which Bacile told the AP was accurate, has been broadcast repeatedly on Egyptian media in recent weeks after being seized upon by extreme Islamists who dislike the presence of the country's Coptic Christians.

Film news site The Wrap said the Arabic-dubbed version had garnered more than 40,000 views by Tuesday afternoon. However, that clip appeared to have been taken down on Wednesday.

"This is an obscure film, amateurish, it's a YouTube film that would have passed by without comment if it had not been picked up and commented on in Egypt," NBC News Chief Foreign Correspondent Richard Engel told MSNBC on Wednesday.

Bacile said the two-hour movie cost $5 million to make and was financed with the help of more than 100 Jewish donors, the AP reported.

Neither Bacile's identity, nor his background, could be independently confirmed early Wednesday. A YouTube profile under the name "sam bacile" contained only two 13-minute trailers for the film and there appeared to be no official Internet site or social media profile for Bacile or his film.

Shown to near-empty theater
The film was made in the summer of 2011, with 59 actors and about 45 people behind the camera – but has been shown once, to a mostly empty theater in Hollywood earlier this year, said Bacile.

"This is a political movie," he said. "The U.S. lost a lot of money and a lot of people in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but we're fighting with ideas." 

Bacile, a California real estate developer, told the AP he believes the movie will help his native land by exposing Islam's flaws to the world. 

NBC's Andrea Mitchell reports on the death of the U.S. ambassador to Libya in an attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. The envoy is the first American ambassador killed on duty since 1979.

It depicts Muhammad as a feckless philanderer who approved of child sexual abuse, among other overtly insulting claims that have caused outrage. 

Asked about the death of an American State Department officer in Libya after protests over the film -- before it emerged that Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others were killed -- Bacile was apologetic but blamed lax embassy security and the perpetrators of the violence. 

"I feel the security system (at the embassies) is no good," said Bacile. "America should do something to change it." 

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Obama: US Ambassador Stevens was 'courageous'

By Alastair Jamieson, NBC News

J. Christopher Stevens, the U.S. Ambassador to Libya who was among four Americans killed amid protests in Libya, was a "courageous and exemplary representative of the United States," President Barack Obama said in a statement on Wednesday.

The four -- who also included Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith, a father of two -- "exemplified America's commitment to freedom, justice, and partnership with nations and people around the globe," Obama said.

Born in 1960 in northern California, Stevens had been a diplomat for two decades after previously working as an international trade lawyer in Washington, D.C., according to his biography on the State Department website.

"Chris was committed to advancing America's values and interests, even when that meant putting himself in danger," Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Wednesday in a statement posted on the official Facebook page of the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli.

Ben Curtis / AP, file

U.S. envoy Chris Stevens speaks to local media at the Tibesty Hotel in Benghazi, Libya, in this Monday, April 11, 2011 file photo.

"I had the privilege of swearing in Chris for his post in Libya only a few months ago. As the conflict in Libya unfolded, Chris was one of the first Americans on the ground in Benghazi. He risked his own life to lend the Libyan people a helping hand to build the foundation for a new, free nation. He spent every day since helping to finish the work that he started."

Stevens had only just taken up his appointment, arriving in May after having served two previous roles in the country: Special Representative to the Libyan Transitional National Council during the Libyan revolution from March 2011 to November 2011, and Deputy Chief of Mission from 2007 to 2009.

US ambassador, 3 others killed in attacks on Libya misison

He had also previously worked in Jerusalem, Damascus and Riyadh and was a Pearson Fellow with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. From 1983 to 1985 he taught English as a Peace Corps volunteer in Morocco.

A video posted on the U.S. Embassy's official YouTube channel in May showed Stevens introducing himself to the Libyan people and speaking of his excitement at his new role.

President Obama, alongside Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, condemns "in the strongest terms" the "outrageous and shocking attack" that claimed the lives of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

He was fluent in Arabic and French, and had earned an undergraduate degree at the University of California at Berkeley in 1982, a J.D. from the University of California's Hastings College of Law in 1989, and an M.S. from the National War College in 2010.

'Smiling, easygoing'
The Washington Post reported that Stevens was "smiling, easygoing and friendly" and "well-known at the State Department and on Capitol Hill."

His efforts to improve relations between the U.S. and Libya were underlined at one of his most recent public appearances. At a reception in Tripoli on August 26, he announced that the issuing of U.S. visas to Libyans would resume the following morning, according to a report in The Tripoli Post.

"The reopening of our consular section will create new opportunities for deepening the ties between our two countries," the newspaper quoted him as saying. "Relationships between governments are important, but relationships between people are the real foundation of mutual understanding," Stevens said.

A statement from Frank Wu, Chancellor and Dean of the University of California's Hastings College of the Law, issued to NBC Bay Area station KNTV, said: "The Ambassador was performing the highest role that a lawyer is called upon to perform: public service. He and I communicated when he was appointed Ambassador. He had been looking forward to sharing his experiences with students when he returned. This is a tragedy. We mourn this loss."

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Select Committee on Intelligence, also issued a statement, saying: "I had the chance of meeting Ambassador Chris Stevens during his confirmation process and again when I visited Libya last year. He was an exemplary diplomat and his embassy staff could not have been more helpful and knowledgeable during my visit. My prayers are with the families and loved ones of these courageous diplomats who were working to help the Libyan people rise from the ashes of Gaddafi's rule."

Lara Friedman, director of policy and government relations at Israeli-American charity, Americans for Peace Now, who described herself as a friend of Stevens, posted on Twitter that his death was "incomprehensible, tragic."

The BBC reported that, in diplomatic cables leaked by the WikiLeaks site in 2010, Stevens had once described Col. Moammar Gadhafi as "notoriously mercurial" and wrote that he could be an "engaging and charming interlocutor."

Sean Smith was a husband and a father of two, who joined the State Department ten years ago, Clinton's statement said. "Like Chris, Sean was one of our best. Prior to arriving in Benghazi, he served in Baghdad, Pretoria, Montreal, and most recently The Hague," it said.

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British government apologizes over 1989 soccer disaster

Christopher Furlong / Getty Images

Children lay floral tributes at a memorial to the victims of the 1989 Hillsborough soccer disaster at Anfield stadium after the publication of the independent report into the incident on Sept. 12, 2012.

By ITV News and Reuters

LONDON – Britain's government apologized Wednesday after an independent report said there had been failures and cover-ups in the wake of the 1989 Hillsborough soccer disaster in which 96 spectators died after a crowd crush.

There were gasps from lawmakers as Prime Minister David Cameron announced the findings of the report, which marked the culmination of a 23-year campaign the families of victims of Britain's worst sporting disaster.

"On behalf of the government, and indeed our country, I am profoundly sorry," Cameron said, adding: "It was wrong that the families have had to wait for so long - and fight so hard - just to get to the truth."

The victims died in an overcrowded fenced-in enclosure at the Hillsborough stadium in Sheffield, northern England, minutes prior to the start of a match between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest.

It was a tragedy that changed the face of soccer in Britain and ushered in a new era of modern, all-seated stadiums. Britain was shocked by harrowing images of young fans crushed against metal fences, bodies lying on the pitch and spectators using wooden placards as makeshift stretchers on a warm spring afternoon.

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The report concluded police had sought to blame the Liverpool fans, portraying them as aggressive, drunk and ticketless and bent on packing into the already crowded stadium.

"The tragedy should never have happened," the report's authors said in a statement. "There were clear operational failures in response to the disaster and in its aftermath there were strenuous attempts to deflect the blame onto the fans."

Senior police edited their officers' witness statements from the day to paint them in a less damaging light, the report said. Their emergency response was flawed and badly organized.

While inquiries found hooliganism played no part in the disaster, the police crowd management plan was preoccupied with preventing disorder, the report said.

Liverpool fans had been tainted by the Heysel stadium disaster in Belgium in 1985. Fighting inside that stadium led to Juventus fans being crushed against a wall that collapsed. Six Liverpool fans and 33 supporters of the Italian team died.

The real danger at Hillsborough lay in the emergency services' poor planning and a stadium that failed to meet minimum safety standards, the report said. Its capacity was overstated and previous crushes at Hillsborough had been ignored.

The disaster is still an open wound in Liverpool, the port city of nearly half a million people that is passionate about soccer and has fielded players such as Kevin Keegan, Kenny Dalglish and Steven Gerrard.

All the victims during the FA Cup semi-final between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest, held at the neutral ground of Sheffield Wednesday, were Liverpool supporters.

Trevor Hicks, of the Hillsborough Family Support Group, said: "We feel vindicated... We have had all sorts of accusations thrown at us over the 23 years." He added: "If today says one thing to the world, we are vindicated in our search for the truth."

In the aftermath of the disaster, a government spokesman incensed families by blaming the disaster on drunken fans. The report found no reason for the coroner's decision to take blood alcohol samples from all of the victims, including children. "The pattern of alcohol consumption among those who died was unremarkable," the report said. "The weight placed on alcohol levels was... inappropriate and misleading."

The disaster was also one of the low points for Rupert Murdoch's British newspaper group, currently reeling from a phone hacking scandal that has led to criminal charges against former senior executives and reporters. Its tabloid title, The Sun, accused Liverpool fans of stealing from the dying, urinating on policemen and beating up an officer who was attempting to resuscitate a victim. The newspaper's executives have since apologized for the story, which was found to be untrue. The editor at the time, Kelvin MacKenzie, apologized again on Wednesday - although his words were unlikely to end a long-standing boycott of the newspaper by consumers in Liverpool.

The Hillsborough Independent Panel, headed by the Bishop of Liverpool Rt. Rev. James Jones, was set up in 2010 to oversee the release of thousands of previously unseen documents related to the incident. 

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Fight on Chinese flight caught on camera

By Ed Flanagan, NBC News

BEIJING – Passengers on flights around China recently have not always been flying the friendly skies.

Late last month, on Aug. 29, Fang Daguo, a senior Guangzhou government official from the southern province of Guangdong made news in China when he had a drunken altercation with a flight attendant on a plane going between Guangzhou and Hefei.

The attack only came to light after the flight attendant posted photos of her bruises and rips in her uniform on China's Twitter-like service, Weibo.

Just a few days later, on Sept. 2, a Swiss Air flight to Beijing was forced to return to Zurich after two Chinese men got into a scuffle. According to one account, a 57-year-old male passenger became infuriated when the 29-year-old man in the seat ahead of him reclined his chair and refused to put his seat upright for the meal. Infuriated and reportedly extremely intoxicated, the elder passenger slapped the younger man in the back of the head, sparking a brawl to ensue.

Security eventually stepped in and the older passenger was restrained with cable ties at the front of the plane, where he was said to have yelled for an hour.

The captain eventually turned the plane around and returned to Zurich.

Caught on tape
Then this week, news broke of another brawl that erupted on a Sept. 7 Sichuan Airlines flight from Saipan to Shanghai. The plane, carrying Chinese tourists back home from Saipan (the largest island of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, an unincorporated territory of the United States) was quiet, until a scuffle broke out between two passengers allegedly over an empty seat both wanted.

A passenger sitting several rows in front of the two angry passengers shot the video above. It shows the two male passengers just as their argument came to blows. Soon after, friends of both of the passengers joined in the melee, as others can be heard calling on the men to stop fighting.

Later into the minute long video, flight attendants and security are seen breaking up the fight and restoring order on the plane.

A spokesman for the airline told local reporters that the captain considered turning the plane around and returning to Saipan, but decided to continue on to Shanghai once the two men had been separated and were on opposite ends of the plane.

The video of the brawl was posted by the passenger on Sept. 9 and quickly gathered steam online – it's had nearly 2 million views already.

'How shameful!'
This isn't the first time we've seen scuffles and tensions get out of control in China's rapidly expanding airline industry. Wronged passengers in China often find sympathy among the public, who like in the U.S., often have a low opinion of airlines.

But this time there is widespread approval and empathy among China's netizens for the airlines' handling of this rash of bad behavior on flights.

"How shameful! What will people think of the Chinese?" wrote one Weibo user.

"Some people have terrible character," chimed in another, "they should be punished."

Playing to the current political tensions between China and Japan over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands dispute, one user wrote: "Let's send them to the Diaoyu Islands to expend some of their energy."

Perhaps. Or maybe next time just sit in the seat you were assigned.

NBC News' Johanna Armstrong and Yanzhou Liu contributed to this report.

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Huawei investing £1.3bn in the UK

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, September 11, 2012 | 11:03 AM

11 September 2012 Last updated at 12:45 ET

Chinese telecoms and computer network giant Huawei Technologies is to invest £1.3bn in expanding its UK operations.

Huawei is to invest the funds in areas such as mobile broadband over five years, creating up to 700 new jobs.

Prime Minister David Cameron said the investment demonstrated that the UK is "open for business".

The company's overseas expansion plans have been met with suspicion in the US and Australia amid concerns about cyber-security.

Earlier this year, Huawei was barred from bidding for a new nationwide broadband installation project in Australia.

Mr Cameron said: "The investment announced by Huawei today demonstrates once again that the UK is open for business. I welcome this and I want to see more companies invest in the UK as we work to achieve sustainable and balanced growth within our economy."

The Chinese firm said that it already employs over 800 people in the UK.

Huawei was founded in 1987 by Ren Zhengfei, who had previously served in the Chinese army, and remains a private company.

"The UK is one of the most important European markets in which Huawei has invested," said Mr Ren.

''The UK is a centre of innovation, has a highly skilled workforce, and is respected internationally for the quality of its legal and educational systems. It is for these reasons we have selected the UK as the location for a number of our centres of excellence."

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